Taylor’s Theorem, Taylor’s Series, Taylor’s Series Problems and Solutions

Taylor’s Theorem, Taylor’s Series, Taylor’s Series Problems and Solutions


  1. Find the Taylor’s series of sin⁡x in powers of (x- π/2) up to the fourth degree term
  2. Find the Taylor’s Series of log x in powers of (x -1) up to fourth degree terms
  3. Expand tan x in Taylor’s Series up to three in powers of (x-π/4)
  4. Expand log(cos x) about the point x=π/3 up to 3rd degree terms using Taylor’s Series
  5. Obtain the Taylor’s expansion log e x about the point x=1 up to the term containing 4th degree and hence obtain log e (1.1)
  6. Expand tan-1 x in powers of (x – 1) up to the term containing 4th degree

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